Monday, March 22, 2010

Beginner Blogging

With the help of my good friend Tyler, I have entered the world of blogging. This is very strange to me as I have never considered that people would want to read anything I might be inspired to write. But Tyler has assured me that even if no one else follows my beginner blog, she will. (thanks!)

I suppose having an audience is the very reason for blogging. Putting your thoughts and ideas "out there" is a much more rewarding experience if you think someone might read and be inspired/challenged/encouraged by them. Even so, the idea of an audience is very intimidating. It is easier to stay silent, out of the spotlight, invisible.

But I want to move past my fears and insecurities, out of the shadows and off of the sidelines and onto the center stage of my life. I want to develop the skills and talents that God has given me for His Glory. And yet, as I step out and become more visible I want the world to see HIM and not me. In essence, I need to be invisible. It may seem a little strange but the only way this can be about me is that it is NOT ABOUT ME!

It is like God is asking me to step into a spotlight; and the light that shines on me simply reflects back Jesus.


E. Tyler Rowan said...

I love that it's not about me! Because how boring would that be?! But when it's about Him, and what He has done - well, that's just plain THRILLING! I am so glad you have started blogging. Now I can get my daily dose of wisdom without occupying you on the phone for hours. ;)

Deborah Carpenter said...

You are the wind beneath my wings! :D

Heather said...

I'll follow you! I'll follow you! Deb, you are on my list of girls that provide my life with wisdom, encouragement, and funnies. So thank you!!

Trisha Jenn said...

Deb, thank you for pointing me to your blog. I've read through nearly a year's worth of posts this afternoon! Woman - you have SO MUCH WISDOM! God is continually blessing me through you. Thank you!
And yes... I'll follow you!!!